PPG Meeting Minutes

PPG Meeting Minutes

Minutes of PPG Meeting

Held at Dallam Lane Medical Centre

27th July 2023


Present: GB JBB UG CB, DT JB


Patient GP Survey


JB informed the group that Dallam Lane has come in third place with 87% of best GP Practices voted for by patients. This is the third year in a row that Dallam Lane has been in the top three spots. Our aim for next year is to be in first place.


Friends and Family Test


Collections for the Friends and Family test are as follows.


Collected for July – 22


How likely are you to recommend our practice to family and friends?


Extremely Likely - 22

Likely - 0

Neither likely or unlikely – 0

Extremely unlikely – 0

Don’t know – 0


This data is collected monthly and submitted to NHS England.



Car Park update for Dallam Lane


As you are all aware the car parking situation has always been a problem with only 5 spaces for staff and patients. With the on running costs of over £150.00 for staff to park a month and lack of patient spaces Dr Sakhi and KN have decided to fund the carpark out of surgery funds. This area now accommodates over 20 spaces which will make it more accessible for all patients and better access for wheelchair users. The lease is for 2 years and will be reviewed after this period.


Parking permits are given to all patients to keep in their cars for future visits.


Infection Control


The Surgery recently had an Infection Control visit. This was passed, next visit will be 2024.


Phelbotomy Clincs at Dallam Lane.


Dallam Lane are now offering a phlebotomy clinic once a week. This is not for routine bloods but for Chronic Diseases and Medicine Management. This is not funded by the Government. PCN staff now doing this as an extra service for the practice.

Flu Clnics


Our flu vaccinations are being delivered Week commencing 18th September with clinics starting immediately on the 21st and 30th September and the 7th October. UG has requested that these appointments to be every 4 minutes as felt there was too many people in the surgery at one time.


COVID Vaccinations for winter


The winter COVID vaccinations for over 75’s will be given at Orford Jubilee Hub. Invites will be sent out by the Care Coordinator either a call or a text message to book. Home visits will be done by the PCN paramedics.


PCN Staff


The practice now has some PCN staff working onsite.


Anthony Poon – 1st Contact Physiotherapist.


Rachael O’Toole – Mental Health Nurse


Farhana Amir – Clinical Pharmacist


Chris Brown – Paramedic (every 6 weeks for minor ailments)


The PCN also offer a home visiting services through the paramedics.


The group asked if this information could be added to the practice website. JB to feed back to KN Practice Manager to ask if this information can be added.



Dr Malpica


Dr Malpica is currently on long term sickness with no return date to report. Best wishes given.


The surgery has had to employ Locum GPs to help Dr Sakhi. These doctors are being chosen very carefully to make sure they are right for Dallam lanes patients.


Practice Population


The Practice is growing from April this year we have had an extra 400 patients register. We are intending of inviting some of these new patients to join the PPG. Also, as we are growing, we would like to find a new premises. Once we know what is going on with the building and moving, we will inform the PPG.




CB stated that he is very happy with the practice, has felt so welcome since registering and never seen anything like it in any other surgery.


The Group would like a PPG section adding to the website. JB to feed back to Practice Manager.

  • Patient participation group (PPG) Meeting:

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